Douglas W Hartman
August 2024
Douglas W
Critical Care Unit
Virginia Mason Medical Center
United States




Guess who showed up with a Diet Coke a few hours later … Douglas.
My mom ended up in the ER in the very early morning hours and into the ICU later that day, very sick with sepsis. Watching it invade her system, sending her into delusional states and unpredictable states of consciousness, was terrifying, to say the least. She remained there for three days and nights before moving to a standard hospital bed and unit.

Naturally, we were relieved and grateful to be leaving the ICU as things were moving in a better direction; however, we both immediately felt and voiced how we would miss our nurse. Can you believe it? Actually taking pause in wanting to leave a critical care scenario because the person caring for you there was so wonderful?! Our nurse was knowledgeable, generous, and thorough in his explanations. He encouraged us to ask questions and never made us feel like pains or burdens when we did. He answered my plethora of questions in a way that I could understand and always did so with the utmost patience and professionalism.

I’m struggling to find the perfect words to truly express how extraordinary our nurse was to my mother and our family. He comforted my 58-year-old brother when his emotions took over seeing our mom in such a compromised state. With zero appetite and not eating at all, Mom made a passing comment that she was missing Coca-Cola and could really go for one; he casually asked her what kind of Coke she enjoyed most - cherry? Regular? Diet? She answered diet; guess who showed up with a Diet Coke a few hours later … our nurse. My mom’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree at the sight. The thoughtfulness of his gesture really was so above and beyond. I’m certain our nurse and his colleagues had many other patients to care for during our time there; however, with the ease, compassion, and constant kindness he treated us with and the energy he gave, you would think we were the only ones in the whole place. What a gift. I don’t doubt for a moment that our nurse provides all of his patients with incredible care. This industry is so very lucky to have him and people like him.

Thank you for providing a platform for people to express their gratitude and appreciation. Goodness knows myself, my mother, and my family, will be forever grateful for our nurse's warmth. He made my mom feel like, and treated her like, a person, not just a patient. I hope he knows what a difference his genuine compassion and kindness make in the lives of those in his care.