Ela Orciari
October 2023
Luther Street Medical Practice
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




Ela provides a high standard of care with dedication; she nurtures and encourages patients to come in regardless, and treating them is her priority.
Ela is a dedicated and truly vocational nurse who goes above and beyond each and every day. Ela manages a team of 3 practice nurses and leads by example. In recent months, due to long-term sickness and a new starter not being able to work solo, Ela has covered her own role and that of others without complaint. Working in Luther Street is a tough gig. Due to our patients often being intoxicated, verbally aggressive, and presenting due to their difficult environment of having to live on the street, having been unable to wash for several days or even weeks. Ela never allows this to prevent her from providing a warm and caring welcome. Ela is acutely aware that the patients are often embarrassed by the odour particularly when they have very ulcerated legs but Ela is always there with a smile and welcomes them in.

Ela provides a high standard of care with dedication; she nurtures and encourages patients to come in regardless, and treating them is her priority. Our patients have chaotic lifestyles and as such will make appointments they don't keep. Ela responds to this by reaching out to them and re-arranging her clinics so they can still be seen. One example is Ela has made special arrangements for a patient living on the street who has extremely ulcerated legs to ensure this patient gets the treatment they need by ring fencing a slot each day so the patient can ring and be seen the same day. This patient is often challenging during the appointment, requires two staff to manage her treatment, and has been verbally hostile to Ela on more than one occasion. Ela remains undeterred by this attitude, and I am eternally impressed by her dedication to treating the ulcers and trying to get the best outcome for this patient regardless.

Luther Street is very fortunate to have such an angel on it's clinical team, and I know the patients value her caring and non-judgmental approach. Ela arrives every day with a smile, a positive outlook, and the best sense of humour. An exceptional Nurse Team leader who I know would be so touched to receive a DAISY Award. To finish, Ela really is the epitome of a nurse who delivers caring, safe, and excellent care every day.