Elaine West
September 2019
Emergency Department
Wesley Medical Center
United States




I was getting report from Elaine about a patient with chest pain in the ED. She stated that she was concerned about the patient and that he did not look good. His chest pain was not getting better and he was diaphoretic and tachycardic. She informed me that she saw possible ST elevations and that his pain was radiating to his back. I informed her that we could not take the patient d/t pain and that it sounded like he may be having a dissection or some sort of cardiac event. She then called the Cardiologist and was able to get a CTA ordered and send the patient to the ICU. She advocated for this patient to get the proper care, and ensured that I didn't receive an unstable patient. She felt something was wrong with the acute care assignment and worked hard to get the patient a critical care admit.
A day later, Elaine was up in the ICU and she checked on that very patient, and she found out that she was glad that she advocated for him to be in the right place because he definitely needed to be in the ICU! Thank you, Elaine!