Elena Wheeler
March 2023
St. Joseph's Hospital South
United States




I was very fearful, but her positive attitude gave me the courage and hope to fight on.
I entered St. Joseph’s Hospital through the ER in the early morning hours. I thought, maybe I will just get some antibiotics by IV and this will go away in a few days like my precious admission at another hospital eight years earlier. This was not to be the case. Days later with numerous procedures and tests, I was discharged and left your hospital. What happened was I received the most amazing care at a hospital that I have ever had. When this nurse got me as a patient my hemoglobin had dropped. My vitals were out of whack and my health was deteriorating rapidly. She came into the room and began to work. She said to me very confidently, “Don’t you worry.” I told her that I hoped she was right because the options were not good. She told me very confidently to not think about the other options because her team was going to get me well. I was thinking that I was going to die and I actually came close to that happening. This nurse stayed calm and focused and worked diligently with the doctors about my health conditions. She was on the ball and kept the doctors constantly informed about my labs and other things as my health continued to decline. I was very fearful, but her positive attitude gave me the courage and hope to fight on. Her skills along with the doctors saved my life. She knew what had to be done and why to help solve the problems. I am very grateful to have had her as my nurse, she saved my life.