Elhadj B. Diallo
November 2023
Elhadj B.
4 West
David Grant USAF/VA Medical Center
Travis Air Force Base
United States




He carried out painful procedures, such as inserting an NG tube several times in a very calm, confident, and in an as gentle as possible manner.
Captain Diallo is a great nurse and a very capable person. He communicated very clearly with patients, family, and fellow staff members. He answered my questions fully, and if he didn’t know the answer, he would always get back to me ASAP with the information. He carried out painful procedures, such as inserting an NG tube several times in a very calm, confident, and in an as gentle as possible manner. He seems to be a great mentor and teacher to less experienced staff members as well. CPT Diallo is an amazing nurse, and I thank him so much and the whole 4 West staff. You all are simply wonderful! Thank you for J’s birthday party during his 16-day stay on your unit! We are extremely grateful!