Elizabeth George
September 2024
6 East/West
Corporal Michael J Crescencz VA Medical Center
United States




I saw her empathy in assisting patients and letting them know that their family members were getting the best care while with her.
Ms. Elizabeth RN is truly an asset to the hospital and the VA in general. She is inexhaustible, always running up and down the hall, stairs, and elevators! I needed her for a plethora of errands, whether they be giving out meds or fixing problems left and right. She realized that because of cancer-related chemo and radiation, my food choices were limited. She had to fight with the kitchen (professionally of course) but was able to get me the nourishment I needed. She did this because she loves her job and the Veterans!! If I ran another hospital, I would steal her from you!


I wanted to let you know that the VA hospital has a nurse who is very special in her work. The person is very compassionate about people and truly loves her nursing job. She also, from my talking to other nurses, loves to fill in when they need to be assisted at any time. It's as if she teaches them how to handle this or that when handling patients they're assigned to. She's certainly an instructor in nursing. At times, I saw her empathy in assisting patients and letting them know that their family members were getting the best care while with her. Another nurse came when she was off, and he imitated her skills the same; and when I asked him if he knew this nurse, he said she taught him how to show compassion and empathy and be helpful to patients & families.