Elizabeth M Gray
August 2023
Elizabeth M
Special Procedures Area
UW Health SwedishAmerican Hospital
United States




At the darkest time in my life when I felt completely alone, this complete stranger made me feel safe, calm, and like I might be able to get through this.

I arrived at the hospital by ambulance as my ex-boyfriend beat and battered me and threw me in the trunk of my own car. I’m not sure what his plans were with me, but I knew the outcome wouldn’t be promising. I was lucky enough to escape using the trunk release and roll into the road where a group of people in my neighborhood came to my rescue.

Betsy was my nurse on the second day in the hospital. I was still really shaken up by the whole incident and had bursts of tears and lots of anxiety. Betsy was always so sweet and made me feel so comforted and safe. This is something I haven’t felt in a long time. We talked about our lives and other silly things, such as soda. I was telling her how I haven’t had a Mountain Dew since I’ve been in the hospital and all the hospital had is Shasta Cola. We both giggled about it.

About an hour later, Betsy walked into my room with an ice-cold Mountain Dew she had purchased from the vending machine. The note she attached to it brought me to complete tears. She told me to hang in there and that she was there for me. At the darkest time in my life when I felt completely alone, this complete stranger made me feel safe, calm, and like I might be able to get through this.

Betsy is an amazing soul and an even more amazing nurse. This hospital is so lucky to have her because she is gifted and one of the sweetest angels I have ever met. Thanks, Betsy, for making me feel strong in a moment when I felt my weakest. You deserve everything positive that comes your way.