Elizabeth M Wentzel
May 2023
Elizabeth M
7N Medical Oncology
Providence Portland Medical Center
United States




If something wasn't right or if something didn't feel right, she would make sure it was corrected before going off shift.
Liz is the very best Extraordinary Nurse out there. She is very respectful, kind-hearted, careful, and professional at what she does. My left knee was broken in two places, along with a blood clot. Liz was very helpful and very gentle with me. She was such a sweetheart, if something wasn't right or if something didn't feel right, she would make sure it was corrected before going off shift. When I had to get up for anything she would hold my leg, so that it wouldn't hit anything. She also made sure my leg was in the correct position before she left for the day. I do believe Liz should be the number one nurse of all time. If I could, I would take her home with me to be my personal caregiver. Liz is very much loved and appreciated. Thank you Liz for everything you have done for me.