Elizabeth Weiser
September 2022
Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center
United States




Elizabeth was done with her shift at 7 pm but she stayed until 2 AM because the family spoke Spanish and she felt she can help the family understand what was happening.
My 15-year-old leukemia patient was in the Pediatric ICU and dying from a blood infection. She was just made DNR. Elizabeth was done with her shift at 7 pm but she stayed until 2 AM because the family spoke Spanish and she felt she can help the family understand what was happening. She also found out that the family went to her own Church and decided to try and reach their pastor and see if he was able to come to the hospital to pray for the dying child.

When this plan failed, she helped me by asking the family if they have any requests regarding what they wanted during this difficult time for them. We held hands and the patient’s father recited prayers to his daughter. She consoled and held the mother and spoke to the parents, soothing their pain, so they don’t feel alone. I am forever indebted to Elizabeth for her expertise in nursing care, but more importantly for her genuine love, compassion, kindness, and ability to pro-actively help my patient and her family during the worst moment of their lives. She is a gem, and I’m honored to know and work with her.