Elizabeth Wenglicki
July 2023
Emergency Department
St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
United States




She showed compassion during the care of this patient by keeping the patient calm by speaking to the patient in a comforting and compassionate way during the worst day of this patient’s life
During the care of a patient who was stabbed multiple times, Elizabeth was successful in inserting a PIV that was life-saving and our team was able to transfuse and fluid resuscitate this patient. She showed compassion during the care of this patient by keeping the patient calm by speaking to the patient in a comforting and compassionate way during the worst day of this patient’s life. After the trauma was over and the patient was stable and settled, she checked to see if her colleagues were okay and reminded us that it is important and okay to lean on fellow co-workers. Elizabeth's composure was calm, collected, and inspiring. She is an asset to St. Chris and the community of Philadelphia. She has the skills, knowledge, and compassion that are necessary to work in the emergency department. It is a privilege to work hand in hand with an experienced nurse like Elizabeth.