Elizabeth Wiebe
March 2021
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania




Liz took a proactive approach
My mother underwent brain tumor removal surgery and had a few complications during the surgery. Elizabeth Wiebe was her primary overnight nurse. Liz explained to me what all the monitors meant as well as the different noises which allowed me to feel at ease. Since my mother was sedated, Liz woke her up roughly every 30 minutes or so to check her mobility. When Liz woke my mother up, she reassured my mother of where she was and what had happened. Liz was very attentive to my mother and provided her with outstanding care and compassion.
Liz went above and beyond the scope of her duties to ensure that my mother received the proper care. Liz truly takes pride in what she does and she does it exceptionally well. Liz took a proactive approach when helping my mother during her recovery.
There is a reason why they say that a person is "nursed back to health" and not "doctored back to health". Nurses like Liz truly make a difference.
This is Elizabeth's 2nd DAISY Award!