Elsy Wilson
May 2023
Pediatric Oncology Unit
Tawam Hospital
Al Ain
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates




Sister Elsy is the one who stood by me day and night. During those tough times, all I needed was my mother’s shoulder. I found that in Sister Elsy.
My 4-year-old daughter was admitted two years ago to the Pediatric Oncology Ward, and diagnosed with Leukemia. That was the peak COVID time, and no family member was with me for mental support except my husband. I resigned from my job at that time, and my husband was the only breadwinner. He had to travel back to RAK for his job. Sister Elsy is the one who stood by me day and night. During those tough times, all I needed was my mother’s shoulder. I found that in Sister Elsy. She literally gave her shoulder for me to cry on, pacified me, consoled me, and gave me the courage to overcome the tough times.

I will never forget the support she gave me. I am indebted to her during this lifetime. She was born to become a nurse, to help people in need, and to spread positivity to humanity.

There were times when I had suicidal thoughts because of my life situations. Her presence was angelic to me, and she made me believe that my child’s disease is curable and she can come back to life sooner with better health. She shared examples of other kids. She once showed and introduced me to a kid who is a childhood cancer survivor. Sister Elsy not only does her work perfectly but also empathizes and supports every patient and their family in need.

Tawam Hospital should be very proud to have her, and I congratulate the hospital and the HR department for hiring her and appointing her at the right place. I wish her longevity and happiness in life. May God bless her abundantly.

Note: This is Elsy's 2nd DAISY Award!