Emily DeWane
January 2022
Minneapolis VA Health Care System
United States




Emily stayed late to provide this service for the Veteran so he would not have to make an additional trip to the hospital.
Nurse Emily from the vaccine clinic went above and beyond to selflessly accommodate services for a Veteran. I was working with a Veteran through the mental health clinic who had a vaccination booster scheduled later in the week. The Veteran shared about the challenges and fatigue he experiences navigating to his appointments as a result of a physical disability, the distance of his residence from the VA facility, and reduced access to transportation services. Additionally, the Veteran was immune-compromised and, due to the pandemic, had been attempting to limit the number of trips made to the hospital whenever possible. At the end of his appointment with me, I consulted with the vaccine clinic staff to determine if he might be able to receive his booster that day rather than have to make another trip. Unfortunately, the vaccine clinic had just closed for the day, and the remaining vaccinations had been sent away. Nurse Emily stepped in without hesitation to ensure the best services for the Veteran. She collaboratively problem-solved the situation, actively located and retrieved the vaccination shot, and selflessly stayed late to provide this service for the Veteran so he would not have to make an additional trip to the hospital. At a time when one could have simply stated the clinic was closed, Emily was the epitome of Veteran-centered care. Her compassion and empathy for, commitment to, and excellence with the Veteran’s care were inspirational and greatly appreciated by myself and the Veteran. Thank you so much, Emily!