Emily Emmick
July 2022
Cayuga Medical Associates
Cayuga Health System
United States




Emily's actions consistently demonstrate to our patients that she is there for them in every way possible. She takes the time to listen and answers questions with unmatched care and compassion.
Emily has shown over and over that she is willing to go above and beyond for not only patients but also her coworkers. Emily's actions consistently demonstrate to our patients that she is there for them in every way possible. She takes the time to listen and answers questions with unmatched care and compassion. Patients coming in for Neurological services often struggle with insurance denials for treatments, and Emily has proven to be an incredible asset for our patients in this regard. 

Emily even cares for patients who are seeing other offices. Recently, someone who was not a patient of our office was in the building to be seen by lab services and fainted while in the lobby. Emily brought the patient into a room, made sure she was doing okay, and waited with her until her mother was able to come to pick her up. 


I had a stressful day, and Emily could tell that I was upset. Emily took the time to sit down with me and found out that I hope to open a farm stand after retirement. Later that week, she surprised me with a beautiful hand-painted wooden sign for my future farm, that she had made in her personal time.


Emily is the glue that holds the office together with her positive outlook and calm demeanor.


When Emily first started in the office, I witnessed her make dozens of calls to the insurance company and pharmacy over a 3 day period to ensure that a patient would not go without their seizure medication. This was the standard of care that she has sent for all of our patients, and she frequently goes above and beyond to ensure that no patient has to go without. 


Emily is always willing to help other nurses in the office even if she is extremely busy herself. 


With new major diagnoses, patients are often thrown into a state of uncertainty. Emily has the incredible skill to communicate with our patients in a way that eases their concerns. Emily makes sure that patients understand what their options will be and have a clear understanding of their plan. Making these calls is often difficult, and Emily does it tirelessly with incredible skill. 


Nurse means something different to everyone… if you are a patient, it means something different to the provider, to the MA you work with, or to a family member accompanying a patient it is different yet again. Often times, nurses are masterful at handling situations involving some of these groups of people. I can honestly say that I have never met a nurse who is so consistently wonderful. To me.. nurse means Emily. I have seen her care for patients with complete compassion, patience, and understanding. However, the amazing thing about Emily is that this is exactly how she cares for the rest as well. It is exactly how she cares for the providers that she works with and the PSRs… everyone. A nurse is Emily because she is not discriminatory about who gets the best of her… she always gives everyone the best of her… SO yes, to everyone, the word nurse means something different… but to that nurse.. it means the same thing every single day, no matter whom she has in front of her… she is a nurse. I feel she deserves this award, because she has a heart that is full of caring… the desire to treat people, no matter who they are, in the absolute best way possible. There are a lot of jobs that are far more glamorous than the RN for a Neurology office…. But I don’t think Emily sees it that way… to her, the opportunity to show people her kindness each day is not defined by the procedures that are done or the level of acuity. It is just her showing up EVERY day and giving all she can. I cannot applaud her enough.