Emily Penley
July 2022
The Queen's Medical Center
United States




After speaking with Emily Penley in the ICU, I knew instantly that she was in great hands.
My mother-in-law had the misfortune of being admitted after a traumatic fall while on vacation. It was very difficult being so far away from her, yet the nurses taking care of my mother-in-law did an amazing job communicating with me. As an in-patient nurse for 15 years, I know the difficulties of being tasked with relaying information and communicating within healthcare. However, after speaking with Emily Penley in the ICU, I knew instantly that she was in great hands. Emily did an amazing job keeping me updated and I greatly appreciated that she let me ask questions. Emily never once sounded rushed or annoyed; she was thorough with everything and explained when I had questions. It was such a comfort when she told me that she would be working the next 3 days so I could call and directly ask for her. Additionally, the communication the staff had with me has made me reflect and strive to provide my patient's families with the same courtesy - it has made me want to be a better nurse and encourage my staff to do the same.