Emily Watson
September 2021
MMC Birth Center
Maine Medical Center
United States




Emily's enthusiasm guided me through the process. Her support, talking with my husband, working with the doctors made my experience unforgettable.
Emily's shift began when I was in the final stages of labor - during a time where the baby was not cooperating and his heart rate was erratic. It was to the point where an emergency C-section or facilitating a vacuum was being discussed. Emily immediately made me feel at ease but most importantly, started problem-solving immediately. It was apparent the doctors respected her opinion as she shared the different positions she recommended I be put in to get the baby to settle down a bit. Once the team came to a decision, Emily could not be stopped. We did the "shake 'n bake", side rolls, arches, and others, but it worked! The baby calmed which allowed my body to concentrate on fully dilating. About 45 minutes after we finally got everything stable, I knew it was time to push and Emily's enthusiasm guided me through the process. Her support, talking with my husband, working with the doctors made my experience unforgettable. We welcomed a perfect baby boy that day, and as we didn't know the sex, she celebrated right alongside us when he arrived. Most importantly, I truly think it was Emily and her knowledge, that prevented me from needing an emergency C-section, something that I really didn't want. Her commitment and dedication to her craft are impressive, and I consider anyone delivering at Maine Medical Center lucky if they have her.