Emily Worcester
February 2024
Advanced Surgical Care (OR)
Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
United States




The level of comfort I felt when Emily came with me into the OR to hold my hand is hard to explain. This was unprompted; she wanted to do this act of kindness. 
Emily made me feel safe due to her confidence and knowledge. As I was leaving my shift, I was struck by a truck on the pedestrian crosswalk heading to my car. When I hit the pavement, Emily was at my side in no time. I was extremely hurt, unable to move and fighting to stay awake. I was terrified. I was worried about staying awake for my two young kids. Emily was at my side, made sure help was called, and comforted me while waiting for paramedics to arrive. 

Emily did not need to get out of her car to help me; however, she did without thinking. I also ran into Emily prior to my surgery the next day and we held hands, we cried and laughed together. I told her I was nervous about anesthesia, so she, without any hesitation, came into my operation to hold my hand until I fell asleep. 

She showed impressive beneficence when she came to my rescue. 

The level of comfort I felt when Emily came with me into the OR to hold my hand is hard to explain. This was unprompted; she wanted to do this act of kindness. 

Emily protected my privacy at all costs - she closed the curtains when necessary and hooked up suction so I could void without asking another nurse to come in. 

Emily has a deep understanding of all walks of life and comes off as easy to approach/confide in. She is confident in her practice, and it showed during my interaction with her when she was the first on the scene, called help, checked to ensure the scene was safe, checked for a response, and made sure I didn’t move to avoid further injury. 

Emily’s caring personality is infectious. I felt how much she cared throughout my stay at EMMC. The way she made sure I was comfortable during my stay when I wasn’t her patient lifted my spirits.

As an Northern Light employee, I have never seen firsthand such a humble and caring individual. I’m proud to work with a nurse who’s willing to go above and beyond for her patients in a way that makes them feel special. I can’t thank her enough. She deserves all the awards.

Note: This is Emily's 2nd DAISY Award!