Eric D Groce
March 2022
Eric D
Intensive Care Unit
Penn Highlands Healthcare DuBois
United States




His words of comfort and compassion were just as important as the hands-on nursing performed.
I find it difficult to write this letter of recognition as I am also preparing to say my final goodbye to my father, but I feel along with my family, that this person must be recognized. Eric Groce is an RN in the ICU and cared for our father for almost the entire 7 days that he was a patient there. Cared for is an understatement, but the best I can do for now.

He was always attentive to his every need and just as important, he was the same with our mom. Against our wishes, she insisted on staying with dad other than an occasional coffee break or to go home for a few hours. Eric made sure she was always comfortable. MOST importantly …she trusted Eric with her husband’s care. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last year and she wasn’t going to let him out of her sight for very long. She never had to worry when Eric was there. Not to diminish the care he received from anyone else, because he received excellent care while in the ICU. His words of comfort and compassion were just as important as the hands-on nursing performed. Some people can do or ask if anything is needed. I’m sure they truly mean it, but it is not the same as when a person does the same thing and you look into their eyes and you know without a doubt that it’s for real. Eric Groce exemplifies that person!

The last night our parents spent together in the ICU and this world were stressful, to say the least, but then an angel appeared. Later mom said “I had been praying for an angel and God sent me one” Because of being short-staffed “our angel” had picked up a night shift after working countless days. Our mother was able to be at ease knowing Eric was there. Personally, I was struggling with my faith those last few days. Seeing the relief in my mom’s eyes that evening and knowing both of them were in great hands is all that mattered. It truly restored my faith in God and humanity. Angels do walk among us.