Eric Davie
November 2020
Intensive Care Unit
North Vista Hospital




Eric soon became my morning sunshine, my new hope for the day.
I spent ten days in the Intensive Care Unit, and I was very scared; however, my first morning as I awoke, I saw this 'awesome' face with a reassuring smile take my hand, squeezing it firmly, and said, "S you are going to be okay! I am your nurse Eric, and I am here for whatever it will take." Eric had just entered my heart and I felt his compassion. He took the time to listen and also explained everything. He always held my hand and looked directly into my eyes. Eric soon became my morning sunshine, my new hope for the day. I truly believe that God put Eric in my life that day. Eric walked me through the roughest time in my life. With Eric by my side, this horrible journey became doable. You saved my life.