Erica Conner
April 2023
Labor and Delivery
Piedmont- Augusta Georgia
United States




God answered that prayer when we walked into triage and Erica greeted us!
Erica has been our nurse through two deliveries two years apart. In 2020 she was the BEST L&D nurse as my wife labored for over 20 hours. During her entire shift, I don’t think Erica ever left my wife's side. She aided our natural delivery in every way. When we got pregnant with our second child, we prayed that Erica would be our nurse again. God answered that prayer when we walked into triage and Erica greeted us! She trusted my wife and when she told Erica she could push, Erica jumped into action. Our doctor made it in time and we made it to our room within a little over 10 minutes to spare due to her prompt action. Once again Erica did a fabulous job coaching my wife through labor and delivery! We love Erica!