Erica G
May 2024
Erica G
Quinnipiac University
United States




She listens to us and makes us feel respected and heard. Professor Rizzo is caring, confident, respectful, patient, displays integrity, and is flexible. She is everything I wanted in a professor coming into nursing school.
Professor Rizzo is a huge role model for the class of 2024 and all her nursing students. She embodies a dependable, empathetic, and organized leader. She is someone I look up to greatly and strive to be like in the future. She has given me advice on how to succeed in nursing school, and it will stay with me forever. Professor Rizzo always tries to incorporate fun activities into our learning experiences. She was the first professor to introduce near pod, which is now used in many nursing classes today. It is interactive and beneficial while assessing my learning from the day in class. There are discussions, multiple-choice questions, and matching that facilitate my learning. Professor Rizzo takes the time to create this extra material for her students so they can be successful. She spends long hours creating lesson plans, PowerPoints, and exams. She is so dedicated and I admire her hard work daily. Professor Rizzo does not only display interest and respect for learners but is there for you whenever you need. And I mean whenever you need, she will sit with you and review an exam or class material till you get it.

She cares so deeply for her students and respects our opinions and suggestions. She listens to us and makes us feel respected and heard. Professor Rizzo is caring, confident, respectful, patient, displays integrity, and is flexible. She is everything I wanted in a professor coming into nursing school. She provides us with upbeat, insightful, and educational lectures that both challenge and help us. She is caring when you are upset about school or personal life and takes the time to actively listen to your needs. She is a voice of reason in many situations with her confidence, integrity, and patience. She is so respectful of students that they feel like they are equals and not being taught by a higher authority. She is amazing I literally cannot say enough how much she embodies these qualities and attributes.

Professor Rizzo gives every student the same opportunities and respect. She is unbiased and extremely fair in her exams, lectures, and interactions with students. She holds us accountable to prepare us for a career in nursing. She treats every individual equally, and she wants every single student to be successful in nursing school. She is the most fair, attentive, and unbiased professor I have ever had. I remember one time after an exam I was freaking out about some of the questions, but not for long because Professor Rizzo was able to calm me down. This has always stuck in my memory as Professor Rizzo touched me that day. She used exceptional interpersonal skills that aided in me calming down and gaining a new perspective on exams within nursing school. She reminded me that nursing school is not forever, but while I'm here, I should learn and do as much as I can. This shifted my perspective for the rest of my education. Professor Rizzo has extremely special relationships with her students and colleagues. I can walk to her office and there will be people in there asking her questions, getting advice, or just needing her presence. She makes herself so available to her students it is unheard of. She goes above and beyond for her students. She has professional and meaningful relationships with many students. Students value this. Professor Rizzo teaches holistic care within the classroom through every lesson and instills it in her students.