Erika K Teel
May 2024
Erika K
Fast Track
Alaska Native Medical Center
United States




Erika patiently and lovingly helped her work through each of these emotional moments. She would offer a caring touch and reassuring words. She even played a version of “peekaboo” with this patient, which the patient delighted over.
We had an adult patient, with the mental and emotional capacity of a child who presented to the ED (Fast Track). This patient needed constant supervision and extra level of care. Erika Teel was her nurse. I witnessed the interaction between Erika and this patient over the course of many hours. I was amazed at what I saw. Erika immediately made an effort to establish a bond with this patient. The patient had a copious amount of requests during the course of her stay. Erika tended to every single request in the most caring and compassionate fashion. Despite tending to other duties and patients, Erika spent extra time with this patient. She asked questions and waited patiently for the patient’s response. The patient had many emotional breakdowns and outbursts. Erika patiently and lovingly helped her work through each of these emotional moments. She would offer a caring touch and reassuring words. She even played a version of “peekaboo” with this patient, which the patient delighted over. I have the privilege of working alongside a wonderful group of caring healthcare workers. As such, I routinely witness caring and professional behavior toward our patients and fellow employees. However, when one witnesses moments such as this, it makes one pause and reflect on the human kindness being displayed. It’s in that reflection that one realizes they have witnessed something truly spectacular. For me, this has been one of those moments. I was in awe of Erika and the depth of character she displayed. Erika has inspired me to be not only a better employee, but a better person. In my humble opinion, Erika Teel epitomizes the extraordinary individual that the family of J. Patrick Barnes means to honor.