Erika Quinlan
April 2020
Dermatology – Ambulatory Clinic
Texas Children's Hospital




Erika's selfless gestures during the unbearably difficult time were monumental.
I met Erika here at work, but the magnitude of her influence makes it feel as if she has been a lifelong friend. She is undeniably a very hardworking and caring individual. I have continuously observed Erika on phone calls working tirelessly to achieve the best outcomes for patients and their families. She would work extensively to get medications approved, even after denials. She goes the extra mile to seek other avenues to aid families in any way possible. I would definitely want her as a nurse if my loved one was ill or needed meds that I could not afford.
Erika is not only a kind-hearted caretaker for the patients, but she is a meticulous organizer for our pod. She consistently makes sure things are well organized, labeled, and easy to locate for the whole staff. These simple tasks prove valuable on busy days. Erika also makes sure everyone feels valued and appreciated. She created a form that entails one's favorite items of various categories. She had everyone fill out the form then colorfully organized it all in one place. It is now readily available as a guide when anyone wants to award, appreciate, or celebrate any ASR, MH, RN, NP, or MD within our unit. This really helps out with even choosing the right birthday gift.
As noted, Erika is highly motivated, involved, and a creative team player. This observation of her did not prepare me for the measure of compassion outpoured in one of the most devastating times in my life. I experienced a very tragic and sudden loss. Erika's selfless gestures during the unbearably difficult time were monumental. She called just enough to be supportive. Then she arranged to manage tasks for me that I just could not focus on during that time, like making sure that the appropriate maintenance was done on my vehicle.
Also, I had an appliance professionally installed at her doing. She shared my family's plight of misfortune with her husband and escalated my needs to the top of her honey-do-list. Upon her request, her husband, Andrew took care of it all—thoroughly! They sacrificed energy and time away from their own family, including a five-year-old and two-year-old twins, to support and encourage me throughout this difficult time. Her busy home life did not hinder her from jumping in wholeheartedly to help.
Her compassion and support made it easier for me to transition back and return to work after this tragedy. For her tireless efforts, compassionate spirit, unifying work, I eagerly and proudly recommend Erika, so highly for her dedication in the nursing field as well as her sacrifices in her compelling humanitarian endeavors. Erika is indeed a selfless leader that lives out compassion to its core.
Note: This is Erika's 3rd DAISY Award!