Erika Wolf
September 2019
Palliative Care Department
Atrium Health Pineville
United States




Erika was caring for an elderly lady who was in the hospital with severe COPD. During her time with this patient over several days, the patient kept telling Erika how she had no quality of life except for getting out on Thursday evenings to play Bingo. This kept coming up in conversation daily with the patient and Erika. When it became apparent that the patient was not going to be out of the hospital on Thursday to play Bingo, the patient was very sad and disappointed. Erika took it upon herself to bring Bingo to the patient! She borrowed a Bingo game set, bought a prize for the patient and recruited a few teammates to come and play. On Thursday at the appointed time, she wheeled the patient with her oxygen and her bedside table, along with the patient's daughter, to the elevator lobby to her Bingo game! The patient was so excited and so happy. She played Bingo, (won it) and obtained her prize and just smiled the whole time. She had a wonderful time and Erika was able to add to her quality of life by ensuring she did not miss her beloved Thursday outing.