Erin Chevrefils
May 2024
Peri-op Anesthesia Dept
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
United States




Erin is very busy, and there is a high demand for her time and attention, so she could have easily passed off these tasks to someone else, but instead, she took it upon herself to make sure this man had everything he needed and was fully taken care of.
Erin Chevrefils, one of our MEE Nurse Practitioners, was recently presented with the DAISY Award after being nominated by her colleagues for her care in the Pre-op and Recovery area. Here is some of what they had to say:

No matter the day, Erin comes to work with a smile and is always willing to help.


She demonstrates a priceless combination of intelligence and compassion.


When complications arise, there is no one I would rather have by my side than Erin.


I have never seen her get frustrated with interruptions, nor have I ever seen her deflect a request as 'not my job'.


Erin is a source of calm inspiration to those around her.


With each patient, Erin always listens to all their concerns and questions prior to surgery and never rushes them.


She frequently goes above and beyond, but one situation stands out in particular to me. I was taking care of a patient who had had a new G-tube placed at another institution several days before, but he did not have the correct accessories for his G-tube and was unable to take his meds or do any feedings for several days. He was understandably upset and frustrated, but Erin came in and not only calmed and comforted him but also got in contact with the appropriate people at the other site and facilitated someone to come to MEE and bring the patient supplies and provide teaching. Erin is very busy, and there is a high demand for her time and attention, so she could have easily passed off these tasks to someone else, but instead, she took it upon herself to make sure this man had everything he needed and was fully taken care of. This is just one of many examples of Erin going above and beyond.


We recently had a patient that we suspected of having a stroke. Before anesthesia even arrived, Erin was assessing the patient, gathering history from the husband (for she had a neuro history), and had called Team Stroke. She very calmly and professionally asked staff to do/gather different things. Her ability to think critically under pressure and disseminate the information to the available staff is impeccable. She is always inclusive in her requests. She treats everyone equally with kindness and respect. She never raises her voice or shows frustration with people, and she will educate and support anyone who needs her counsel. Erin is so approachable that staff never feel uncomfortable bringing a “silly question” to her.