Erin Cortese
March 2021
Urology Clinic
VA Central Iowa Healthcare System




Erin sat with the patient the entire time
Erin Cortese is an exemplary nurse. She is an experienced critical care nurse, who took a position in our Urology Clinic. She has put great effort and care into learning all she can to provide excellent care for our Veterans. Erin is extremely tolerant and compassionate with all Veterans, especially those that are difficult. I have personally witnessed her kindness and tolerance with difficult patients numerous times and it is inspiring to me. She is patient and kind and works closely with patients to make sure they are informed and an active part of their care.
Erin has taken it upon herself to make improvements for our Veterans. She has taken on many roles in her Urology position. She works with the staff orientation program to educate new staff about CAUTI and VA Urology procedures. She continues to work with our Emergency Department to improve care for Veterans with new catheters. She has also acquired her chemotherapy and biotherapy safe handling certification to improve continuity of care for Veterans with bladder cancer.
Erin has a passion to care for our Veterans. She exemplifies every value of the VA; Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence. She is always honest with her patients, trustworthy. She drops everything when Veterans are walk-ins needing assistance, accessible. She provides top-notch care, quality. She makes plans for better processes in her department and the facility, innovative. She has gone all over the hospital to assist other nurses with urology patient concerns, agile. And Erin works with other departments to improve patient care, integrated.

A specific story about Erin:
This morning a patient arrived in the Infusion Clinic for a blood transfusion. He arrived by cart and was not able to get up and sit in an infusion recliner. He was waiting on a cart in the waiting room. Erin Cortese heard the patient needed a blood transfusion, but the staff did not know how they would accomplish this with no space for his cart in the infusion area.
Erin proceeded to volunteer to take the patient into a clinic room and stay with the patient while he got his transfusion. This is a truly dedicated VA Nurse, stepping up, without being asked, to do what is best for our Veterans. Erin sat with the patient the entire time, and clearly, the patient was enjoying their conversation. This is not the first time she has stepped up like this! I am proud to be on a team with her! 

Erin’s character is stellar, and her work ethic is unmatched. She is pure in nature and is clearly dedicated to being the best nurse she can be.