Erin Mullinax holding baby M
September 2014
Children's of Alabama
United States




Erin is our rock. After 8 months and one day, we were finally able to bring our miracle baby M home in August to join his twin brother and older sister and brother. That almost didn't happen.

In April, baby M coded suddenly and without warning. Erin and the amazing NICU staff did not panic and performed CPR to bring him back. One could chalk that up to "just doing my job", but Erin, on so many occasions, went far above and beyond what was required. She regularly positioned baby M near the door so that he could interact with people, listen to music, or watch "Finding Nemo" - because he was born premature at 28 weeks, early intervention and stimulation like this was very important.

Erin campaigned for baby M to get to go outside for the first time before he had his takedown surgery, which is a memory we'll have forever. She not only made sure his care was pristine, but also was a constant source of encouragement to us during those long eight months (and one day).

We love all of our NICU staff family, but Erin now and forever will hold a special place in our hearts. Our family is whole. Our family is home. That would not have happened without Erin."