Erin White
February 2020
Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
United States




Erin discharged her patient from the PACU and realized her patient forgot their belongings. She personally went up to the main lobby to give the belongings to the patient. She noticed a patient outside the main doors fall and hit her head. She went outside (it was about 20 degrees out), and she was only in her scrubs. She immediately maintained c-spine precautions while directing security to call EMS. She never left the patient, despite the cold weather, until EMS arrived. Erin's commitment and passion to reach out to others and make them feel cared for and supported is amazing.
Erin is also an excellent PACU nurse. She is a valued resource to the department and precepts new PACU nurses. She is very kind and gives exceptional care to her patients and is a respected team member. It is not a surprise she stayed with and cared for this patient outside in the cold. We are very lucky to have Erin.