Erin Wilken
April 2021
Progressive Medical/Trauma
Bryan Medical Center




Erin did everything in her power to ensure her pain was managed.
Erin is compassionate when caring for her patients. She is the RN that you never see sitting because she is always willing to help a co-worker or go the extra mile for her patients. She always makes time to answer questions or help with a procedure. She is a leader by "knowing the way and showing the way" with all her coworkers. Another nurse added Erin always goes above and beyond for all her patients. Her teamwork is always amazing and she is always willing to be the first one to help. I love when she is charge because she is constantly around to help and asks if we need help with anything. She is the most caring person I have ever met.
A family member wrote that Erin demonstrates many qualities of being a kind and compassionate nurse. The family member stated, "My mother was amazed that Erin did everything in her power to ensure her pain was managed." Even though there was a communication barrier, my mom felt Erin's compassion through her voice and the care provided.