Evan Williams
February 2023
In-patient Behavioral Health
UPMC Western Maryland
United States




He has the goodness to explain why or why not without feeling or coming off as discounting or superior.
Evan has exemplified the disposition, passion, and calm spirit that is so vital when (as a patient) the anxiety of being here; not knowing the rules, and feeling overwhelmed are forces one would rather avoid. But Evan has remained appropriately attentive. He is approachable in anything he is doing- has very good listening skills and responds promptly- he has the goodness to explain why or why not without feeling or coming off as discounting or superior. The many regulations/rules make it difficult to know what to expect, but his gentle answers turn away wrath. So pleasant to receive from him- his brand of care.


Evan makes everyone smile. He is not only an incredible nurse, but he always makes people laugh and smile. One night for snack time, he made the whole unit PB&Js. He has made my last two BHU visits so much better. I love Evan, you love Evan, we all love Evan.