November 2012
4 South
Beaumont Hospital - Troy
United States




Evelyn has worked on 4 South for several years and her dedication to excellent patient care has never wavered. She has a kind heart and a warm soul and has an attention to detail writes her nominator.
Evelyn was assigned a patient that recently came from the ICU and would soon begin Peritoneal Dialysis. The patient and his wife were extremely anxious and nervous about the change in lifestyle. They both were overwhelmed and frightened. Evelyn spent the majority of her shift and her next two shifts caring for this family and educating both partners on how to perform CAPD.
The nominator of Evelyn happens to be the nurse manager of this unit and was able to observe the changes in the patient and his wife during his stay. They began their stay anxious, worried and unsure ending with confidence and gratitude and they could not say enough good things about Beaumont Hospital and most especially about Evelyn.
The nurse manager received a call from this family and they wanted to make sure that somehow everyone would know that Evelyn was a superstar!
Evelyn has a way of making her patients feel special. Evelyn did not want to be recognized nor nominated but instead to go quietly about her work. Her quiet demeanor and humble heart comes through to all those she cares for. She has the respect of her peers, co-workers and Physicians on the unit. This is why she deserves the DAISY Award! She truly is an outstanding Nurse!