Felicia Parker
June 2022
Cancer Center Medical Oncology
ECU Health Medical Center
United States




Thank you for allowing me the privilege to witness, firsthand, nursing at its very best.
I am a retired member of the faculty of East Carolina University. Since retirement in 2013, I have served in Patient Escort, ECU Health, two days a week, each Tuesday and Thursday, 9 am to 1 pm. What follows is an account of all that I was fortunate to witness on Tuesday morning. A call came to Patient Escort to bring a wheelchair to the Cancer Center, room 418, to transport a patient to the Dental Clinic. I took the call. When I arrived, I knocked on the door, opened it, greeted the occupants, and announced that I had come to transport the patient to the Dental Clinic. Lying in the bed was a frail, elderly man. Standing by his side was his wife, who immediately said that there was no way that her husband was able to make the trip to the clinic in a wheelchair. I left the room and located the nurse assigned to room 418, whom I later learned was Felicia Parker. She and I both entered the room. Ms. Parker explained to the wife that her husband desperately needed dental work. The wife seemed very concerned that her husband lacked the strength to make the trip, that his blood pressure would drop and that he risked having a seizure, particularly if taken in a wheelchair. She said that he might be able to make the trip in his bed. The soft-spoken Ms. Parker explained that the bed was too large to transport into the clinic. Additionally, she said that to alleviate the wife’s concerns, she would accompany her husband to the clinic, assuring her that every precaution would be taken. First, she explained that we would exchange the Staxi for a Stryker wheelchair and carry an oxygen tank with us, along with a blood pressure/heart rate attachment to monitor her husband’s vital signs. The wife began to weep quietly. She walked into the bathroom and continued to sob, fearing for the welfare of her husband. Ms. Parker followed her to the bathroom. She spoke softly and lovingly to the wife and hugged, consoled, and reassured her that we would take every precaution to see that her husband made the trip to the clinic without incident. Still hugging, Ms. Parker told the wife that she would call her once we reached the clinic. I was so impressed at that moment with the love, patience, caring, and empathy Ms. Parker showed the wife—far beyond what I had expected to witness that day. With the wife comforted and reassured, Ms. Parker and I located a Stryker chair and added an oxygen tank and a vitals monitor. Next, Ms. Parker said that she was raising the bed to a sitting position so that her husband could sit upright in the bed for a few minutes to adjust to the change in position. Doing so, she explained, we would be able to see whether his blood pressure and heart rate would respond favorably to the positional change. Next, Ms. Parker and I positioned the Stryker chair next to the bed and slowly moved the gentleman’s feet off the side of the bed. All went well—at first. Within seconds of moving his feet off the bed, there was a sudden drop in the patient’s blood pressure and a change in heart rate. Carefully but quickly, Ms. Parker moved the patient’s feet back onto the bed and slowly lowered the bed so that the patient was lying in a supine position. She immediately left the room and called for backup help—not calling for a “code blue” but the next level below, as I heard her say. Within a few minutes, the room was filled with attending physicians, nurses, and aides. I quickly moved back, stepping out of the room to allow Ms. Parker and the medical staff space to work. Within what seemed like only a few minutes, the patient’s vital signs were restored to normal, and the room was calm again. Ms. Parker then turned to the wife, hugged and comforted her. With the room restored to calm and the husband’s vitals stable, Ms. Parker came to me and thanked me for my help. “No,” I said. “Thank you for allowing me the privilege to witness, firsthand, nursing at its very best.” Not only was Ms. Parker highly competent, as evidenced by the technical skills she displayed, but she possessed that rare ability to sincerely comfort, console, and empathetically connect with the very distressed patient’s wife. Empathy is near impossible to teach. Neither can it be faked. Deeply moved and with tears in my eyes, I hugged Ms. Parker. Then I said, “Never had I expected to report to volunteer duty that Tuesday morning and see the loving, compassionate face of Jesus on display.” That day was most rare and wonderful, and I knew it. In my 9+ years as a volunteer, I have witnessed hundreds of nurse-patient and nurse-family-member interactions. Nurse Felicia Parker’s interactions with the patient and his wife that day were exemplary and most deserving of special recognition.