Florisel Stailey
December 2020
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Dell Children's Medical Center




When Flor walked into our room, she knew it was something more and remembered her adrenal insufficiency diagnosis from 6 months ago.
Florisel's extraordinary attention to detail and willingness to patiently listen to me saved my daughter from crashing. My daughter has been battling ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) for 7 months. She's had every possible reaction and multiple painful bumps in her journey. One of those being adrenal insufficiency after steroids. She was diagnosed with that 6 months ago when Flor was our nurse.
We haven't had Flor as our nurse since then. Now we are on delayed intensification and my daughter started having strange and dangerous symptoms (low BP, low temp 96.0, profusely sweating and shaking) other nurses dismissed it as "chemo sweats." When Flor walked into our room, she knew it was something more and remembered her adrenal insufficiency diagnosis from 6 months ago. She told the NP and doc on the floor she thought her adrenals were failing again. She was RIGHT! Not only were they failing, but her glucose was at 40! What other nurses overlooked, she caught because she remembered something from 6 months ago! She is amazing in my book!