April 2012
Indiana University School of Nursing
United States




February 13, 2012 To whom it may concern: It is with great pleasure that I write to you to nominate my preceptor, Francesca Levitt, for the DAISY Faculty Award. I have had the privilege to learn from this nominee for over 250 clinical hours and she certainly has gone above and beyond and exceeded my expectations as a preceptor. Francesca always has a willingness to share her knowledge, skills, and expertise with me. She is knowledgeable on current practices and would frequently introduce me to new procedures, research, and best practices. She would go out of the way to make every clinical interesting and educational. There was one day that I was very curious about the head and neck cancer patient population. Before I knew it, Francesca created a unique clinical experience where we could both go to the tumor clinic to have a better understanding of the care of this population at all stages of their cancer. The time at the clinic was one of the most eye opening and stimulating opportunities that I have experienced in my educational career. Francesca exhibits enthusiasm for her role as a CNS and preceptor. As a CNS, it is evident that this she is driven to have a positive influence on the institution, nurses, and the care of the patients. Her enthusiasm for her role as a CNS is emulated in her role as a preceptor. She takes a personal interest and will go out of the way to provide feedback and challenge the way the student thinks. When working on my clinical inquiry project, Francesca performed her own literature search so we could have a meaningful conversation to make sure I was on the right track. The preceptor experience did not stop at the end of the semester. During the summer she made an effort to keep in touch with me through phone calls and emails. Francesca’s pep talks have kept me motivated and invigorated me to not get discouraged in this educational endeavor. She was not only interested in my educational development but also my professional development as she continues to invite me to various conferences she is attending and help me network with other professionals. One of the most important things that Francesca has taught me is the value of relationships. CNSs cannot be effective within an organization without those strong relationships. She is highly respected by patients and their families along with colleagues in all levels of the organization. One clinical experience did not go by where multiple nurses, physicians, patients or family members did not stop us in the hall or come by the her office to ask a question or say hi. Francesca is a role model for many and her office is a true testament to the relationships that she has built as it is decorated with the awards, pictures, cards, and notes that she has received over the years. I cannot think of anyone more deserving for the DAISY Faculty Award. I have been fortunate to be able to see how Francesca makes a difference in nursing practice and energize all around her. She has had a large impact on me in our time together and I hope to have her as a mentor for many years to come. Sincerely, Student, BSN, RN‐BC Adult Health CNS