March 2013
Ganotong "Nok"
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
United States




In her nomination story, Nok's compassion and extraordinary care for a nurse co-worker turned patient revealed the depth of Nok's selfless devotion and boundless capacity for compassion. Nok embodies GBMC's vision of, "To every patient, every time, we will provide the care that we would want for our own loved ones".

Her colleague/patient was a single woman, with no local family, when she was diagnosed with stage three ovarian cancer. Nok spent every day at her bedside, spending work breaks and days off with her, tirelessly working to assure she was comfortable and eating properly. She became her patient's cook, hairdresser, medical consultant, spiritual guide and closest friend. When the funds ran out, Nok provided her friend with financial support, both from her own pocket as well as through unit fundraising, to offset growing medical expenses.

When the patient's father arrived from Thailand to be with his daughter, Nok assured he had transportation, lodging and food. When it was determined that palliative care was the only alternative, her patient expressed what seemed to be an impossible dream; to live out the remainder of her life with her mother and brothers back in Thailand.

Nok relentlessly pursued that dream for her, finding solutions to the barriers facing her frail patient, addressing each of the multitude of concerns anticipated during the long flight to Thailand. Nok accomplished what seemed impossible, and in December of 2013, arrangements were not only completed, but she accompanied this patient and her father on their journey to Thailand. Nok helped settle her friend into the hospital in Thailand, communicating all medical information to the new caregiver team.

In January, her friend died peacefully at home, with her family. Nok's selfless devotion and extraordinary courage accomplished the safe passage to Thailand, converting an impossible dream into a reality. Nok continues her support of her friend today, settling affairs and submitting insurance claims on behalf of the family in Thailand.

Nok has more than earned this international recognition, and to share the words printed on one of her four nomination forms, "Nok is an angel on earth".