Georgina Morley
February 2023
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
United Kingdom




She's always welcomed us with a smile, always provided exceptional care, and accommodated our needs with compassion whether it be toast after a long day in A&E or talking things through.
My daughter has been admitted to hospital many times for respiratory illness and George has cared for her frequently. She's always welcomed us with a smile, always provided exceptional care, and accommodated our needs with compassion whether it be toast after a long day in A&E or talking things through. Coming into hospital so many times during the pandemic has been hard and she never fails to recognise this for her parents and does what she can to lighten the burden. She shows this care to every patient.

What really stood out for me on our most recent visit was that, despite the hospital being busy and the bed situation seemed pretty dire, she met everyone with kindness, including other staff. Watching her patiently work with a student to show her how to do things and overhearing her quietly check in with other staff and parents that they were okay, reassuring people through the night really made it clear just how wonderful she is. She must be an absolute dream to work with and I really think she is the epitome of what a nurse should be. I always feel safe and a sense of relief when she's my daughter's nurse.