Gerlinde Richard
January 2023
Home Infusions
Pentec Health
United States




Gerlinde has pulled me out of the darkest moments in my life. She is my advocate. She is my friend. I do not know where I would be without her.
I am a sufferer of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). I have a Flowonix pump in my back for my chronic pain and Gerlinde Richards is my pump nurse who does my refills. From the first day I met Gerlinde I knew she was special. I was given an amputation of my left upper extremity below the elbow. It was done as an experimental option to “help” my CRPS. Needless to say, it failed miserably, and I am left as an amputee. As you can imagine how traumatic that can be. I have been made fun of several times in public and referred to as “circus freak” in Walmart. Needless to say, I am depressed and have and still do suffer from severe anxiety and depression with suicidal thoughts.

Gerlinde has been on numerous of my pump refill appointments (during the summer of 2020 she was coming about every 2 weeks for adjustments my Dr. would order). That summer she would come once to find me crying hysterically having an anxiety attack and she would go above and beyond to talk to me, and encourage me. And by the end of my appointment, I would be in agreement to call my psychologist.

On a visit at the end of July 2021, Gerlinde noticed the horrible swelling in my legs. She was very concerned and sent my doctor an email about the intense swelling. Four days later I fell in the bathroom due to the swelling and I was hospitalized for 20 days. In the first 3 days 40lbs of fluid was taken off my legs and body as a whole. My Dr. realized that it was my pump medication causing my fluid buildup. Gerlinde brought that to his attention. She probably saved my life that summer by taking the time to care. Whether it’s about my mental health or physical health she has been there to put me as her patient first. Not just her client to fill my pump.

Now the hardest part of this, my 24yr old son passed away. I found him dead on the floor in his bedroom. As you can imagine my life turned upside down. See in 2013, my middle son was killed in an automobile accident. So, I lost two young sons in less than 8 years. In the days following I was in contact with Gerlinde, I was a complete mess. She was there. She would send me sweet texts telling me I was on her mind, and that she was there. She had met my son several times at the house, and they spoke several times. We couldn’t afford much for him, but we did what we all could. Gerlinde asked several times if she could do anything. I only told her that her support was enough. In January when she came to fill my pump, she got the biggest hug anyone could ever give. Earlier that week a beautiful urn arrived at our home. We brought my son home in a cardboard box, we couldn’t afford an urn but now he has this beautiful urn, with all his dates on it saying, “loving son” and “brother” also there are footprints from the story “Footprints in the Sand” up the side. Gerlinde had told me previously when I was upset about not being able to afford an urn for him to “have faith, it will all work itself out”. The urn was given to us anonymously. That’s the meaning of love and caring.

Being a nurse is a tough job, they really don’t get the recognition they deserve. Especially, a nurse like Gerlinde. Gerlinde is my nurse, my friend, and an asset to PENTEC. Gerlinde has pulled me out of the darkest moments in my life. She is my advocate. She is my friend. I do not know where I would be without her. I know my story was all over the place. I am sure you're thinking that it was a jumbled mess, but please take this last sentence as the sentence that ties it all together. Gerlinde Richards came into my house one day as a PENTEC nurse, to fill my Flowonix Pump. I wasn’t exactly thrilled. 3 years later life is not the same because of that day. Gerlinde Richards went above and beyond and she’s now in my heart. Anyone who knows her is lucky. I know I am extremely blessed. She is a true DAISY Nurse. 

Note: This is Gerlinde's 2nd DAISY Award!