November 2022
Advocate Christ Medical Center
Oak Lawn
United States




I do not think I would have made it through the day as calmly as I did had it not been for the care and reassurance I got from Gianna.
I had a horrible night in 2w where my NG tube started draining bright red blood from internal bleeding and I also vomited blood as well. I was terrified about what was going on as I was all alone with no family and they ended up moving me to the PSUS 5W floor with Gianna as my nurse to better monitor me. I suffer from severe anxiety so having the NG tube still in was causing me constant stress that it would not suction correctly or it would begin bleeding again and I would start vomiting. I paged Gianna in multiple times just to check that the NG tube was still working and each and every time she came in with a smile on her face and always took the extra time to check and make sure everything was working correctly and assure me that nothing was going to happen. She even at one point brought in her charge nurse just to provide additional comfort to me that everything was still working correctly. She was patient with me through all of the nurse calls showed compassion for my fears of something happening again and constantly reassured me that she would make sure everything was working correctly. When it came to taking my medicine, she was sweet enough to break them up into smaller pieces for me to swallow and said in the room for a little extra time to make sure I was able to get all of my medication down. Never once did I have to wait for help. She also took the time to ensure the next nurse on shift was aware of my concerns and during shift change she brought them in and showed them the most comfortable way to position the tube for me. I do not think I would have made it through the day as calmly as I did had it not been for the care and reassurance I got from Gianna. Then finally when they took it out the next day, she immediately got me some Jello and ginger ale knowing how much pain I was in from the NG tube. She is an extraordinary person and nurse who I was lucky enough to have taken care of me through one of the scariest nights/days in the hospital.