Giglia Pizarro
August 2021
Unidad de Neonatologia
Clinica Universidad de los Andes




She was a counselor when at times I found myself hopeless, and she was my rock during our stay. Thank you, Giglia, for your infinite generosity.
Mi única hija A nació sorpresivamente 11 semanas antes de lo presupuestado, y solo tuvimos tres días para adaptarnos a la posibilidad de que esto ocurriera. Llena de tristeza e inseguridad, estuvimos con mucho miedo los primeros días de vida ya que ella se encontraba en condición crítica. Sabiendo que yo pronto tendría mi alta, pensamos que quizás como nos encontrábamos en contexto de pandemia, no nos dejarían bautizarla, pero al consultarlo con Giglia ella nos motivo a hacerlo, nos indicó con quien podríamos hablar y finalmente el día de mi alta realizamos el bautizo mas hermoso que mi hija pudo tener. Ese mismo día de madrugada, A vivió un evento critico que nos hizo viajar a la clínica encomendándonos a Dios y a la Virgen, que nos permitiera llegar pronto y que bendijera el trabajo del equipo que estaba cuidando a mi hija. Giglia me reconforto, calmó el miedo más grande que uno como papas pueden vivir y mis inseguridades, me hizo saber en palabras que aun mantengo grabadas en mi corazón algo que yo no había pensado hasta el momento: “Mamita, sé que suena difícil pero tiene que pensar que ustedes dos están conectadas y es algo más allá de lo físico, están separadas físicamente pero muy unidas, así que tiene que conectarse con ella, enviarle energía positiva, descansar para que ella descanse y con Fe creer que todo va a estar bien”. Ella sin saberlo, con esas palabras, me recordó que en ese momento éramos una con A, que si bien yo no soy la que la cuida y le da mano todo lo que quisiera, sigo siendo su mama. Como alguna vez le dije a ella, “tus palabras han sido perlas de sabiduría para mí”. En los casi tres meses que estuvimos hospitalizadas, Giglia se encargo de empoderarme como mama en muchas ocasiones, fue quien además me dio el regalo de poder tomar a mi hija por primera vez, me regalo además la fotografía para atesorar ese momento, fue una consejera cuando en ocasiones me encontraba desesperanzada, y fue mi roca durante nuestra estadía. Gracias Giglia por tu infinita generosidad ya que siempre fuiste más allá de tu rol profesional y se nota cuanto amas tu trabajo, porque al cuidar a mi hija, también nos cuidaste a los tres como familia. Que Dios te bendiga.

Translated using Google:

My only daughter A was unexpectedly born 11 weeks early, and we only had three days to adjust to the possibility of this happening. Full of sadness and insecurity, we were very afraid the first days of her life since she was in critical condition. Knowing that I would soon be discharged, we thought that perhaps as we were in the context of a pandemic, they would not let us baptize her, but when we consulted with Giglia she motivated us to do so, she indicated with whom we could speak and finally on the day of my discharge we carried out the most beautiful christening that my daughter could have.

That same day at dawn, A experienced a critical event that made us travel to the clinic entrusting ourselves to God and the Virgin, to allow us to arrive soon and to bless the work of the team that was caring for my daughter. Giglia comforted me, calmed the greatest fears and worries, she let me know in words that I still keep engraved in my heart something that I had not thought of until now: “Mommy, I know it sounds difficult but you have to think that you two are connected and it is something beyond the physical, you are physically separated but very close, so you have to connect with her, send her positive energy, rest so that she can rest and with Faith believe that everything is going to be fine”. Without knowing it, with those words, she reminded me that at that moment we were one with A, that although I am not the one who takes care of her and gives her everything, I am still her mother.

As I once told her, "your words have been pearls of wisdom to me." In the almost three months that we were hospitalized, Giglia was in charge of empowering me as a mother on many occasions, she was the one who also gave me the gift of being able to hold my daughter for the first time, she also gave me the photograph to treasure that moment, she was a counselor when at times I found myself hopeless, and she was my rock during our stay. Thank you, Giglia, for your infinite generosity since you always went beyond your professional role and it shows how much you love your work because by taking care of my daughter, you also took care of the three of us as a family. God bless you.