Ginger Chapman
April 2021
Primary Care Clinic/Women's Health
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center




I truly believe that if Ginger didn't take the time to properly educate me, I probably wouldn't be here to write this nomination.
Ginger was my Nurse when she was the RN for my doctor. Although she is no longer my doctor's Nurse, if I see her in the hallway and speak to her, she still helps me and educates me on my health issues. I am a diabetic and at the time that Ginger was my PACT nurse, my diabetes was not under control. I am extremely stubborn and did not want to take my medication as prescribed. I thought I would be okay without properly managing my diabetes. I always made excuses as to why my A1C was high and would just shrug it off when I came in for my appointments. When my A1C level reached 12, Ginger personally contacted me and asked if I could come in for education on diabetes. I honestly thought it was going to be a waste of time, because I was so stuck in my ways and felt like I was doing okay with managing my health.
Ginger took the time to truly educate me on the potential hazards of not properly managing my diabetes and explained the risk factors for not taking my medication. I realized that if someone who is not my family took the time to show that they truly cared about my well-being, that it would be best that I took my health seriously. Ginger pushed and motivated me to start taking my medication, eating right and to become overall healthy. I am proud to say that my A1C has lowered by properly taking my medication, my diabetes is now manageable, and I have lost over 30 pounds because of Ginger. I truly believe that if Ginger didn't take the time to properly educate me, I probably wouldn't be here to write this nomination. She truly deserves a DAISY Award, because if she did this for me, I'm more than positive that she goes above and beyond for all of the patients that she encounters.