Gladys Wise
May 2020
Inpatient Rehab
Virginia Hospital Center
United States




My husband of nearly 50 years was in the inpatient rehab center for nearly 3 weeks following a brain biopsy and later a diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme. He did not respond well to the general anesthesia or the invasive surgery; he was confused disoriented and incontinent. We were frantic over the sudden changes in him as well as the devastating diagnosis. Throughout those weeks, my husband and all our family were the beneficiaries of Nurse Gladys Wise's remarkable skill and knowledge, and patience.
Her soothing competent manner gave us a much-needed sense of calm. Her quiet cheerfulness gave us hope. Her occasional flashes of humor injected warmth into what initially seemed a joyless situation. What struck me the most was the fact that Gladys made every effort to know my husband as a person as well as a patient. She knew how he responded to certain medications, what positions in bed were most comfortable, and she patiently worked with him on the unfamiliar experience of using a walker. She soothed away his embarrassment over his sudden incontinence. She knew that he loved taking a shower and came early in the morning to make sure she was there to assist him. She knew what he liked to eat and helped me order his meals correctly always taking the food to be reheated when needed. Gladys was precise with medications always brought them on time. She explained when she was giving a new medication and was always on the outlook for side effects. When my husband's Parkinson's suddenly worsened because of the tumor's proximity to the Parkinson's site in his brain, Gladys skillfully helped him implement the strategies demonstrated by PT, OT, and SLP.
Throughout the whole time we were at VHC she became a friend to all of us reminding us to rest urging self-care when possible always finding ways to increase our comfort and well being as well as my husband's. When I hugged Gladys goodbye on the day of my husband's discharge I cried real tears and said I will never forget you. No matter how long this journey lasts, none of us will forget her. She was the great light of our experience at Virginia Hospital Center consistently going beyond normal expectations to provide nursing of the highest and best order.