Grace Farrell
June 2022
TH 8 E/W
NYU Langone Hospitals - Tisch/Kimmel
New York
United States




Your willingness to let us spend time with him, help photograph him, and get his prints, and your kindness in being there as we cried and tried our best to say goodbye was so important and meaningful to us.
I have wanted to write to you for a long time. I was a patient you cared for in late 2020, after my son died at 38 weeks., Since then, I had a myomectomy, did a lot of IVF and finally got pregnant again with another boy who arrived in 2022. He was born at 36 weeks in another hospital and is now a healthy squirmy nearly 4-month-old. After my son died, I joined a support group for people in the New York area whose children were stillborn. One thing that really stood out to me is that for many of them, their trauma was bound up with feeling poorly treated in the hospital. People described being hurried to finish holding their children and not feeling that their loss and situation were handled with sensitivity. It confirmed for me what I knew already, which was that you were so amazingly sensitive, gentle, and supportive of us. Your willingness to let us spend time with him, help photograph him, and get his prints, and your kindness in being there as we cried and tried our best to say goodbye was so important and meaningful to us. I am still touched when I think of you coming in when you weren’t on and then staying. It was such a relief to have you there. When I had my second son in January, I felt all of that again; while our care was fine, it was normal and showed me again how you went above and beyond for us 14 months before. We were so lucky to be in your care. Losing my son has broken our hearts and we still miss him every day, now as we watch our second baby boy take the steps we wish he had the chance to take. But you eased our pain and we will not forget your kindness. We are grateful to you and want to share something I hope you hear often which is that you are really really wonderful at your job and you change the lives of your patients for the better, even the sad ones.