Grace Switzer
January 2020
Hillcrest Medical Center
United States




We say it often, but I think sometimes it is hard to see yourself as the "one" person to start a movement, but there truly is power in "one" person taking a step towards the goal they envision. It's hard to consider doing something different than we have always done, it's even harder to be the person in the trenches trying, failing, and trying again until they succeed.
Grace Switzer, NICU clinical leader, has not only succeeded in changing an entire model of care but in changing the hearts and minds of so many. She has bridged a gap between floors, recruited providers to step outside of their comfort zones, and provided newborns with the immediate care they deserve while supporting Labor and Delivery in their role of providing dedicated attention to delivering mothers. She has kept term healthy infants from being NICU admissions, while also providing better data on which infants actually need our specialty services.
Grace has engaged so many nurses from all WHC floors to be excited and interested in the newborn resource nurse role. It's no surprise that Grace was able to do all of these things from those of us who know her well, as her passion, and determination are her most notable traits. Grace has enjoyed every moment of providing quality care, and her immersion back in staffing, and she may have stepped out of her title to do this, but she stepped into her role as a leader.