Gretta Schwab
December 2019
Seattle Children's
United States




The day I had to bring my precious daughter to the emergency room was a day I only wish I could forget. The whole day was a blur. For 24 hours, I feel like I was a buoy just riding along with the waves that were rocking my whole world.
I didn't know what the future would be for my daughter and me. I was devastated and afraid. And then we got Gretta. Her contagious smile and sweet optimism was a ray of light. I watched Gretta care for my baby. I watched her move my daughter's tiny body so it was always as comfortable as possible. So gentle, so careful. I watched Gretta give her medicines and watch closely for reactions.
When my daughter was finally ready, this nurse helped me lift my tiny girl out of bed so I could hold her. And she made sure we could spend the most time with the highest quality possible.
Gretta was there reminding me to take care of myself, too. She listened compassionately as I struggled with staying by my daughter's side because it meant I left my other kids at home with my husband.
She was a rock for me and my family. When they visited, she was genuinely so happy for us. She made my kids little footprints of their baby sister to take a piece of her with them. Her loving presence was there when they had to leave, reminding me that my daughter and I weren't alone.
When hard news about tests and labs came back, Gretta was in the background and I could feel her sympathy and optimism, reminding me that this too would pass. She advocated for my daughter always. Gretta paid special attention and was looking not only to meet my baby's immediate needs but could also see a good next step for her care.
One afternoon I came down to hold my daughter after a break, and I saw Gretta gently rocking my little girl. And that's when I realized through this nightmare of mine, my baby was blessed. Gretta really loved her too. It was more than I could have expected from a nurse. Her open heart was a blessing to me.
I will never forget the NICU experience as long as I live. But I will always have a sweet to the bitter because it means that I will always remember this nurse and her beautiful caring heart.
Thank you.