Haley Weidner
February 2024
Labor and Delivery
Nebraska Methodist Hospital and Women's Hospital
United States




Haley was amazing at staying calm, cool, and collected. During the whole situation, she explained and spoke to me like a critical care RN to a critical care RN.
Haley was the L&D RN who was caring for me when I delivered my son. Haley was phenomenal from the moment she started. I had been pushing and laboring for a couple of hours when she came on shift, and she came in straight and to the point with a plan to get my little man out. This was so appreciated, I am an ICU RN at main Methodist, and I appreciated the positive attitude, but she knew what I needed to hear and got it done, my husband and I swear she was doing the jobs of three RNs. My son was born soon after she came on. 

Then we were lucky enough to keep her as our RN on mother baby that night. Long story short, I developed a post-partum hemorrhage several hours after giving birth. Haley was amazing at staying calm, cool, and collected. During the whole situation, she explained and spoke to me like a critical care RN to a critical care RN. Whether she knew it or not, this helped tremendously by turning on my critical care brain instead of the panicky patient brain that I know I can have. The staff that supported her in taking care of our son, bringing in medications (the core that held my hand to help with the pain when the doctor was doing the evac, ugh, thank you), hemorrhage cart, and the doctor were amazing. 

Haley took the brunt of the care, and I cannot thank her enough for her amazing motivation, care, patience, and knowledge. 

I know this is so late, but I have never forgotten her and that whole crew from that night and their incredible care and compassion for my family and I. Haley, to me, represents the meaning of care because of her positivity, knowledge, skills, and treating me like a patient/nurse at the same time helped to make a scary situation less traumatizing and honestly my memories from that night are not of how scary it was but how cared for my son and I felt. Again, thank you, Haley!