Hannah L Cochran
January 2023
Hannah L
Intensive Care Unit
Randolph Health
United States




Hannah Cochran, RN, was poetry in motion, power on display, and compassion personified! She was so focused, totally on-point, and truly magnificent during that Code Blue that she could have "run the Code".
The morning of one Tuesday in October was wild throughout Randolph Health. ICU had already experienced one death during the night shift. Dayshift arrived, and, very early into the shift, another patient went into a medical crisis. Hannah Cochran, RN, was present in the room, as was Dr. K, MD. Hannah noted changes in the patient, and called out, "I'm gonna need some help!" The patient's wife was present in the room, seated in the recliner when very soon Hannah hit the Code Blue button. Still, the wife remained seated in the recliner and watched as her husband/our patient began seizing and the room filled to overflowing with all disciplines. As the Code Blue continued, it was a very synchronized, orchestrated chaos. Hannah, RN, was always on point. There were times when Hannah asked the Hospitalist, who had now arrived, "Do you want ______?," and the Hospitalist, would answer, "Oh, yes. Get that. Let's do that." At one point, a Respiratory Therapist, stated, "I need an airway." When she repeated this statement a little louder and bolder, Hannah coordinated getting items needed to intubate the patient, too. While Hannah was assisting in providing treatment to the patient and consulting with the MDs in the room, she periodically stopped and gave calming reassurance to the patient's wife, who remained calmly seated in the recliner. Hannah would tell her, "I know that you are hearing a lot of conversations going on that may not make sense to you at the moment, but, I promise, I will explain everything to you so that you understand." Then she would return to treating the patient. When medications were being administered, Hannah, RN, drew up the meds, called out the medication and time to the nurse who was the Code Blue Recorder, handed the syringe to another RN, and gave the reminder, "Remember. You are going to need a flush after that." Again, Hannah would give information to the patient's wife, "He is on the ventilator, but we have him stable now. This is very temporary and helps him rest, while we protect his airway." Then back to treating the patient she went, at times indicating to the Hospitalist changes to be aware of as the patient continued to contract his arms, clench his hands, and curl his feet. After Ativan was administered and the patient calmed and then began seizing again, Hannah asked the Hospitalist, "Do you want two more of Ativan?" "Uh, yes, I do," replied the Hospitalist. WOW!!!! After the patient was completely stabilized and everyone began clearing out of the room, Hannah returned to the patient's wife and said, "I told you that I would explain everything that happened, what we did, and where we are now. I want to do that now that things are calm, and I want to do that so that you understand it all." WOW!!! It was as though Hannah Cochran, RN, was guided by the unseen hand of the Almighty! She was fluid. She went where she was need, just like the Omnipresent! She was competent. The Omniscient acted through her giving her all the answers! She was confident and spoke with definitive clarity and boldness! The Omnipotent spoke through her! She was compassionate as the Gentle Shepherd touched and nurtured the wife through her. Hannah Cochran, RN, is AWESOME!!! WOW!!! Hannah Cochran, RN, was poetry in motion, power on display, and compassion personified! She was so focused, totally on-point, and truly magnificent during that Code Blue that she could have "run the Code". It was definitely a coordinated, interdisciplinary effort throughout this Code Blue, and Hannah Cochran, RN, was in the middle of it all, turning a cacophony of chaos into a coordinated, harmonious symphony of success. It is in absolute awe, with deep respect, and with confidence that I strongly nominate Hannah Cochran, RN, as a DAISY Nurse.


Hannah was so genuinely concerned about me and my husband. She took time out to make sure I was ok and gave me the desk number so I could call to check on him.