Hannah Tippitt
June 2021
5 North
Baptist Memorial Hospital - North Mississippi
United States




Checking into the hospital with fear of COVID and my husband having a stroke. The calm demeanor of Hannah made me, and my husband, feel so much comfort. By the time we were checked into a room, it was later than any food service and we had been in the emergency room since before supper. She found him a snack to eat after the ok from the doctors. Come to find out, the meds he was taking were not supposed to be used together. I informed her that I did not even know what all those meds he was taking were for. She informed me that some of the meds as she was entering them into the computer. I told her I would never remember that. She said when she had a break she would write it all out for me what they were.

Later, she returned with a hand-written note with the name of the meds and what they were for. Since we have returned home, I have used that note so many times when encouraging my husband to take his meds. It even came in handy for a teleconference with his doctor. She sure could have spent her break doing something for herself or taking a chance to rest, but she spent it easing the mind of a worried wife. My husband was so grateful for her knowledge and comfort. She went above and beyond. I will never forget what she did for us. Thank you so much, Hannah.