Hannah Wilson
June 2024
Craig Hospital
United States




She is so happy, friendly, and supportive—and you can tell she knows what she is doing.
We didn’t know what to expect upon arrival here. Mom, my brother (the patient), and I were nervous and scared after receiving not-so-good news about conditions we were unaware of. Every time Hannah enters the room from our first night, she makes us smile and feel at ease. She is so happy, friendly, and supportive—and you can tell she knows what she is doing. After five weeks here and no end in sight, we miss her badly on her nights off. Hannah is so personable, her smiles are contagious, and she makes us laugh. She listens to all our questions, and we are never made to feel stupid. If she doesn’t know the answer, she’s quick to find out for us. It seems like every day there is a new battle for my brother, always a roller coaster ride. One step forward and several backward. But Hannah always assures us it will get better. It feels like we have known Hannah for years, not weeks. Thank God for Hannah!