He Qing
August 2017
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province




He Qing, "Thank You" is never enough to express my gratitude for all your help!
When I took my boy back to NICU at Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, he was so excited to see you and ran directly towards you, holding tight to you as if you were a close friend that he's been missing for a long time. Eyes filled with tears, I was touched as I never anticipated a child to understand the love you delivered. Only then, did I realize that love is something people can actually feel and deep in his heart was the love you provided at his weakest moment. You are an angel to these children and your love has lightened up the road of hope.
Our first interaction with you was when we came to visit our little T in the NICU. He was put in the warm-box because he was too weak. I felt powerless seeing him struggling. I did not know what to do other than feeling sad for him. I sobbed in front of his box, thinking about how many difficulties there would be waiting for us. You approached me and encouraged that I could actually touch him as if you'd read my mind. As you guided me safely putting my hand inside of the warm-box, I felt my tiny little boy for the first time in my life. It was a miracle to me how that little touch calmed me down and gave me hope and confidence. I started to listen as you were telling me his little changes day by day. I could see hope again and I even started to talk to him afterward! Thank you so much for your company that night.
You almost became like a second mom to him, being there day in day out, witnessing him grow. You comforted him when he was crying, fed him when he was hungry, and changed his diapers after he pooped. We loved it so much when you told us stories about him and we were so grateful to hear that our little T got better day after day.
With the great care you provided, fortunately, our little T was ready to be discharged. When we came to pick him up, we looked around the unit and asked about you as we wanted to say goodbye. The nurse manager told us that you cried and said goodbye to T as you changed off his hospital gown with the beautiful clothes. You didn't want to come out because it was so sad to see him leaving. I understood exactly how you felt at that moment: how you were excited that he got better, while feeling sorry that he was about to leave you. Only a person who truly loved would experience that complicated yet simple feeling. We felt your love and that love warmed our hearts in our "cold" days.
We want to thank He Qing and every nurse in the NICU who work with love. You are passing the confidence and power to those children who were fighting against death. Thank you for your love!