Heather Metheny
February 2023
Intensive Care Unit
Northwestern Medicine McHenry Hospital
United States




Every time I thanked Heather for her dedication and love, she said, “Hey, she’s your mom. That makes her MY mom!”
Heather, the ICU Head Nurse, along with her amazing ICU team, literally saved my mom’s life. Please see the links below for Mom’s progress – Heather, YOU DID THIS!!!

J was admitted to Northwestern Medicine McHenry Hospital when my dad and I called 911 to take her to the ER as she was too weak to walk and get in the car. It appeared she was having a diverticulitis flare-up; her white blood cells were showing signs of infection and she had a fever along with elevated kidney levels. Pneumonia may also have contributed. When she was in her room after the ER, she had chills and was writhing in pain in her back (tailbone area) and stomach. They gave her a shot of oxygen to open her lungs; she had blurred speech and we couldn’t understand her, nor did she know her own name. She complained of cramps, nausea, and was vomiting.

I went home and dad stayed with her. He called me and said she was moved to a private room around 7:00 p.m. – he came home around 8:00 p.m. The hospital called us at 3:30 a.m. and said mom was in the ICU and asked us to come to the hospital. She had spiked a fever of 105 and her blood pressure dropped to a dangerous level. When we got there, Heather introduced herself and was very candid when she said, “This is as critical as it gets. We’re going to do everything we can, but want to prepare you.” She was kind enough to allow us into the room, which I understand is only permitted by staff when they feel the final goodbyes are upon the family.

Heather did not take her eyes off my mom for one single second, not even when she was talking to us and walking us through what she was doing. As it is a teaching hospital, Heather gave her team confidence and direction to do what they felt was best for mom’s care, and made it very clear that if an error was made, about 6 ICU team members would be in immediately to help! Still, Heather worked tirelessly to save my mom, literally non-stop. At about 5:00 p.m., Heather said, “Well, she’s stable enough that I can go get something to eat!!”

When dad and I left when visiting hours were over, I asked Heather if the other nurses were as good as she is, and she replied with a very modest and confident, “I love my team.” Even the next day, when Heather came back to work, she admitted she didn’t think mom was going to make it and she cried on the way home with pride that mom made such a remarkable and unanticipated recovery. I gave her a lot of hugs!

Mom’s breathing support was taken out a couple of days later and was moved out of the ICU soon after. Every time I thanked Heather for her dedication and love, she said, “Hey, she’s your mom. That makes her MY mom!”

My deepest apologies for taking so long to submit this. Mom spent most of the summer in and out of rehab and the hospital with rehab-inflicted UTIs; we finally brought her home in October and have been working with home care, PT, and OT. She has been putting all her energy into getting better, and dad and I have been busy with caregiving. Still, not a moment goes by that we don’t thank Heather in our prayers, and the amazing team that contributed to mom’s literal survival from Septic Shock. During one of the UTI stays Heather made it a point to visit mom in the hospital and say hello!